HTA II. 2019
Based on basic course „Involvement of patients in the process of Health Technology Assessment – HTA I” that was held at the end of the year 2018, the Ministry of Health CR and the Association of Innovative Pharmaceutical Industry (AIFP) prepared advanced course for the same participants who received a certificate from the Minister of Health CR his deputies and executive director of AIFP.
Advanced course focused on
„Clinical Trials” lectured by doc. Dr. Regina Demlová, Ph.D., Head of the Institute of Pharmacology, Masaryk University Brno.
„Financing the Czech Health System - Reimbursement of Health Care“ lectured by Mgr. Tomáš Troch, Head of the Department of Reimbursement Mechanisms of the Department of Price Regulation and Reimbursement of the Ministry of Health
of the Czech Republic. -
„Base of Pharmacoeconomics, HTA“ and „Reimbursement of drugs for diseases with higher prevalence“ lectured by MUDr. Jana Skoupa, MBA, member of the Committee of the Czech Pharmacoeconomic Society.
The HTA II. course took place on 5th and 6th April 2019 in the premises of Association of Innovative Pharmaceutical Industry.
Main photo – participants of HTA II. 2019
No. 1 – lecturer doc. MUDr. Regina Demlová, Ph.D.
No. 2 – lecturer Mgr. Tomáš Troch
No. 3 – lecturer MUDr. Jana Skoupá, MBA
No. 4 – Simona Zábranská, Klub nemocných cystickou fibrózou, Anna Arellanesová, Česká asociace vzácných onemocnění
No. 5 – Eva Knappová, Aliance žen s rakovinou prsu
No. 6 – Martina Matějčková, Revma liga ČR
No. 7 – Václav Hradílek, SMÁci
No. 8 - René Břečťan, Parent project ČR
No. 9 – Robert Hejzák, Česká společnost AIDS pomoc
No. 10 – Vlastimil Milata, Diaktiv Czech Republic