APO Summer School
APO Summer School IX.
Již podeváté od svého založení se pořádala APO Letní škola. Letos 28. srpna zavítala do nově zrekonstruovaných prostor Pavilonu Bohemia na pražském Výstavišti. Tak jako loni se tematicky zabývala přípravou novely zákona o regulaci reklamy a přilákala téměř 130 hostů především z řad pacientských organizací. Norma doposud nereflektovala rozvoj moderní doby a odborníkům, pacientským organizacím i průmyslu spíše komplikuje život. Každý člověk si totiž může jakékoliv informace vyhledat sám na internetu a přísná regulace reklamy tak již neplní svou funkci.
Meeting of Patient Organizations with Journalists II.
Four patient organisations and four powerful stories were presented within the Academy of Patient Organisations at its annual meeting with journalists on 18 June 2024 at the Worklounge at Příkopy, Prague. In addition to the opportunity to film interviews with interesting personalities and patients, the journalists also had a chance to learn about the latest news related to the activities of these patient organisations and to get new data.
APO Summer School 2023
The last Tuesday of August 29th was devoted to the eighth annual APO Summer School VIII. patient conference. Representatives of patient organisations, the government and the healthcare sector, the pharmaceutical industry and the media gathered in the fully packed Multifunctional Hall of Prague's Mánes Gallery to discuss possible changes to the Act on Advertising Regulation. The last major amendment affecting the regulation of pharmaceutical advertising is about twenty years old and the professional public is calling for its update. The conference was attended by 120 guests, including more than 70 from patient organisations.
Meeting of Patient Organizations with Journalists I.
Patient organisations are an indispensable part of our healthcare system. They are often founded and run by patients themselves or their relatives who are actively addressing the difficult life situation of their loved ones. Without any remuneration and in their own time. In the last ten years they have become respected partners of state institutions. However, the problem is still funding, which has been exacerbated by the current economically unfavourable situation. Patient organisations therefore need around 70 million euros for their operating costs for the next year. They have submitted a proposal to the Ministry of Health.
APO Summer School 2022
On 30th August 2022, the patient conference APO Summer School VII with the main topic “Sustainable Development of Patient Organizations” was held in Prague. It was attended by 140 participants, including more than 70 representatives of patient organizations.
In the morning, the representatives of the main institutions of the Czech healthcare system gave presentations focusing on possible sources to cover operational costs of domestic patient organizations.
The afternoon part was devoted to a discussion…
APO Summer School 2021
After a coronavirus pause, we had a chance to meet again at the sixth annual patient conference APO Summer School in person. This year`s topic was „Partnership – More than Grant “. Four chosen Czech projects of strategic cooperation between patient organizations and pharmaceutical companies and other stakeholders were presented.
APO Summer School 2019
The fifth annual APO Summer School patient conference was held on 25th of September in the Main Hall of the Valdštejn Palace under the auspices of Mr. Jaroslav Kubera, chairperson of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic.
Topic of this year’s APO Summer School was: Setting up transparent processes and the participation of patient organizations in the entry of new technologies.
APO Summer School 2018
The fourth annual APO Summer School conference was held in Prague, on 30 August 2018, intended for representatives of Czech patient organisations and other interested parties from the area of Czech Healthcare.
The main topic of this year’s APO Summer School was: Involvement of patient organisations, medical societies and the public in the process of Health Technology Assessment (HTA).
APO Summer School 2017
Third annual APO summer school conference was held on September 6th 2017 in Prague.
Over 100 participants attended a whole day conference with the main topics:
- HTA Process
- The role of the umbrella organisations within the process
Czech patient organisations in Brussel
The representatives of the Czech patient organizations, who are active participants in the AIFP educational project Academy of Patient Organizations, had the opportunity to attend a daylong conference “Why Europe” in the European parliament. The event was held under the auspices of Ms. Kateřina Konečná, Member of the European Parliament (MEP) on Wednesday 7th of June 2017.
The main objective of the meeting was to mediate an opportunity for the Czech patient organizations…
APO Summer School 2016
APO Summer School is a joint project of Association of Innovative Pharmaceutical Industry (AIFP) and Czech Medical Society of Jan Evangelista Purkyně (ČLS JEP).
The main objectives of the meeting were to set a reciprocal dialogue and to elevate the erudition of patient organizations so that they could be an equal partner in communication with the state authorities.
APO Summer School 2015
APO Summer School is a joint project of the Association of Innovative Pharmaceutical Industry (AIFP) and the Czech Medical Society of Jan Evangelista Purkyně (ČLS JEP).
The main aims of 2015 were to increase the erudition of patient’s organizations and to arrange the meeting and establishing closer connection of representatives of patient organizations with professional medical societies.