APO Alumni

APO Alumni 2023

The Academy of Patient Organizations has had another successful year.
And it finished the year in style on 6 December in the representative premises of the US Ambassador's Residence in Bubeneč.
We are very grateful to His Excellency, Mr. Bijan Sabet, for allowing us all to meet there.

APO Alumni 2022

Conference Report

Topic: 10 Years of Patient Organizations Education
Venue: French Embassy in Prague
Date: 1 December 2022, 3 p.m. – 6 p.m.

APO Alumni 2019

The sixth annual APO Alumni was held on 27th November in the Velkoprevorsky palace in Prague. More than 90 representatives of patient organizations attended the networking event.

APO Alumni 2018

On the 4th of December 2018, the fifth annual APO Alumni took place in the Petschek Villa – the Residence of the U.S. Ambassador in Prague. It was held under the auspices of the Ambassador Mr. Stephen B. King.

Over 100 guests accepted the invitation and more than 70 guests were representatives of member organizations of the Academy of Patient Organisations (APO). Among other guests were deputies of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic, the State Institute for Drug Control, the Czech Medical Associations of J.E. Purkyně, the Commercial Counselor of the USA in Prague, industry and media.

APO Alumni 2017

In December 2018, the fourth annual APO Alumni was held in the Senate of the Czech Republic under auspices of Senator doc. MUDr. Milada Emmerová, CSc. 

APO Alumni 2016

The Embassy of France in Prague hosted the third APO Alumni. In October 2016 the third annual APO Alumni of the participants of the Academy of patient organizations was held at the French Embassy in Prague under the patronage of His Excellency Mr. Charles Malinas.

APO Alumni 2015

The second APO Alumni meeting 2015 took place in the British Embassy in Prague. Mrs. Jan Tompson, British ambassador in Prague opened the meeting.

APO Alumni 2014

The Alumni meeting of The Academy of Patient Organizations (APO) opened new ways of dialogue between deputies of the Czech health care system and patients